
Tatiana Veretenova, Literary critic, Russia/Germany

I have different strategies for reading books: I usually devour fiction or memoirs in two or three days, but there are books that I immerse myself in and literally live in for months. It’s time to talk about one of them. “The Awakener” has been lying on my desk for a couple of months now, and I regularly read a few pages from it (it has become almost a ritual for me). I haven’t even finished it yet, I consciously take my time, rereading some pages several times (and there are almost 600 of them in the book). 

The text is dense in information and important to me, since it is largely about worshiping Lord Shiva (and for me this has long been an important issue).
“The Awakener” by Katya Mossin can be considered a fundamental book without exaggeration. On the one hand, this is a detailed biography of a realized yogi and teacher, Shri Shailendra Sharma (born 1957), who currently lives in Govardhan (India), continuing the tradition of Kriya Yoga of Mahavatar Babaji and Lahiri Mahasaya. On the other hand, it is a treasure trove of spiritual knowledge, not so much theoretical as practical, everyday. “Awakening” – because it promotes the awakening of the consciousness.
I have never met this master personally, but I have several acquaintances for whom he is a guruji. Initially, “Awakener” was written in English and published in India in a large print run; now the author’s Russian-language version has appeared in Moscow. A Muscovite by birth, Katya Mossin lived and worked in India for many years, where in 2008 she began practicing kriya yoga under the guidance of Shailendra Sharma, and translated several of his books into Russian. “Awakener” is an authorized biography of a yogi, the result of her many years of communication with the guruji. Katya Mossin writes only very briefly about her personal impressions, her first visit to the ashram in Govardhan, subsequent changes in her life, and the decision to write this book in the preface, and then only about the fate of the guru. Already in the introduction, she emphasizes that Shailendra Sharma is not a miracle worker or a modern saint, but a realized yogi who “explores the connection with the main deity – Mother Earth.” To describe the biography of the mentor, Katya chooses the third person singular, that is, throughout the text – “he” and “his”.
Shailendra Sharma’s biography is described by Katya Mossin as a very powerful flow of unique life energy, overcoming family and social stereotypes and affirming exclusively that way of life that is aimed at self-realization, serving higher powers, transforming consciousness and helping students. This large-scale book (14 chapters, divided into small parts usually two or three pages) is not for skeptics. It paints a monumental picture of the structure of the universe and the place of man in it from the point of view of ancient Vedic knowledge, but at the same time the book is very “earthly”, describing everyday problems, and the difficult relationships of the hero with relatives, and those cases when he had to use physical force. One of the final chapters is an insert – the stories of several of Shailendra Sharma’s students, described by them themselves. When reading, one is pleased with a certain harmonious integrity and at the same time simplicity of presentation.

Michael Norse

Michael Norse, California, USA

There is no yoga book on the market like Awakener. It surpasses Yogananda’s Autobiography of a Yogi in both insights and articulation, no small feats. Ms. Mossin’s sharp mind works like a scalpel cutting into complex topics with surgical precision to expose the vast and rich world of an accomplished living Master of Yoga. There are gems of genius on every page in both the life itself and the telling of it. Truly peerless in yogic literature.

Lawrence Carney

Lawrence Carney, Detroit, USA

The Awakener by Katia Mosin is an incredible Journey through the Life of Guru Shailendra Sharma. Her ability to harness, mold and communicate the complex moments of Shailendra’s Life is uncanny. You feel as if Shailendra Sharma is their with you and personally narrating his story.

Katia’s writing style uses the eloquence of thought with simplicity of words which will put any reader at ease. The time you spend learning about Shailendra’s extraordinary life will transport you to a world beyond “yogic harry potter”.

The realities of Shailendra’s life and the events in Govardhan are beyond any fiction that can be imagined. Why do I love this book so much? Because it tells a complete, thorough, story, with the background and set up necessary for credibility, especially considering Yoga and Spirituality are the subject matter. If you are looking for an adventure which builds with each page, then the Authorized Biography of a Yogi is for you. The Awakener is humorous, cerebral and raw with no ruff edges, smooth. You will feel the spectrum of your emotions. The Awakener, is the Best book I have ever read. One can not look at the World in the same way after reading it. I highly recommend the Awakener, it is a Mystical Trip!

Olga Vatova

Olga Vatova, Moscow, Russia

Piercing, touching , and at the same time complex in the depth book.

The extraordinary appearance and charisma of the main character make you wish that the various mystical things described in the Awakener were true, and that somewhere in India, at the ancient cremation grounds, lives the most powerful yogi of our time.

Alexandra Bosnik

Alexandra Bosnik

I have never read anything like this. The book tells many interesting stories about the famous Indian yogi Shailendra Sharma – a teacher who lives in the heart of a holy place, on Govardhan Hill. 

I personally have never come across such information anywhere, a lot of new and incredibly interesting information. This is a story about a modern realized teacher who has achieved samadhi, is able to stop his heartbeat and has proven his high achievements in yoga via personal practice.

This book about his life, the search for a teacher, personal spiritual experiences is revealing interesting aspects of the authentic kriya yoga of the line of Babaji and Lahiri Mahasaya.  One can learn about philosophical foundations of the ancient authentic yogic teaching, mystical stories about spirits, meetings with gods, worship of higher powers, predictions about the future.

The book is equally useful for practitioners and for people looking for their path and answers about the meaning of present incarnation. Beautifully written by Guru’s student Katia Mossin, and  based on personal dialogues with him, the book is supplemented with photographs from the Shailendra Sharma’s personal archive.

I will reread it several times, because the message is profound, and requires unhurried comprehension. Awakener is inspiring and spiritually elevating..

Denis Zaenchkovsky

Denis Zaenchkovsky, Moscow, Russia

I recommend it to those who practice yoga and ask questions about what comes after all known asana postures have been mastered, and what is needed to continue the path of yoga. The answer is in this book.

Karley Buford

Karley Buford, Michigan, USA

Katia Mossin’s “The Awakener” transcends traditional storytelling, immersing readers in an expansive energetic field of awareness. The story unfolds with a fifth-dimensional perspective—one shared with Guru. Her words guide us beyond the ordinary experience. The novel is both calming and electric, weaving a narrative that resonates deeply with spirit while sparking soulful excitement.

Katia Mossin masterfully channels Guru’s awakening, allowing readers to not only witness but feel the transformation. Awakener is more than a biography—it’s an invitation to perceive the world through an enlightened lens, a journey both grounding to the lineage and boundless.

Angelina Edwards

Angelina Edwards, Russia, Moscow

When we meet a person we see an image that is accessible to our eyes and level of consciousness… even without thinking that entire worlds could be hidden behind the outer shell. When I was blessed to immerse to this book, I was immensely grateful to the chance to touch the deepest wisdom that was near and dear to my heart. But most of all to the lesson – the lesson of great love and strong faith, and Trust to this Love, described in this book.